In the past I have not been able to use NetworkManager. It failed to provide a connection to my WPA-PSK AP (hey don't argue WPA-PSK security with me, I helped right the spec on it, and wrote the paper on the attack on it! It works here, as I use it.). So I have continued to use my set of scripts and hand-coded wpa_supplicant.conf file.
So I decided to give NetworkManager another chance given the upgrade and IT WORKS! WOW!
Now when I come out of Hibernation, I have my network connection right away; I don't have to restart all sorts of services manually.
Unfortunately, I am not at RSA to test it with their AES-8021X setup (my son's wedding monday kind of took precedence over going to a conference ;) ), so I don't know how it would work with that setup...
But I am a happier camper right now!