Quoting Will McDonald wmcdonald@gmail.com:
Hi all,
I've been trying to hit on the right configuration combo to allow relaying from specific users and/or domains to an internal box running Sendmail.
Reading the docs at http://www.sendmail.org/m4/anti_spam.html#relay and http://www.sendmail.org/m4/anti_spam.html#access_db_fine
I would appear that I should be able to all per-address relaying in /etc/mail/access by enabling
in sendmail.mc and restarting Sendmail. Then adding test@testdomain.com to /etc/access as:
From:test@testdomain.com RELAY
Should allow relaying FROM this address, yet it doesn't seem to work for me on a CentOS 4.4 system and I can't quite hit on why.
Have you rebuilt access.db? (makemap hash access.db < access)
BTW, if the system in question is accessible from the Internet, what you are doing is a bad idea. You are allowing anybody to send spam through your system by simply using specific return address.
Better way to do it would be to enable authentication in Sendmail.