Hey everyone,
My home server just had a disk failure a few weeks ago and like a lot of people I haven't ever really made backups on a regular basis. So I was looking into backup solutions which will save me from this situation again.
Now I have Bacula setup, and backing up my files onto my home server.
Although this works great, I have one issue: The disk in my server was the one that actually failed, and so, even with RAID1, could fail again. So to get around this I wanted to backup to external media aswell.
I don't really think external hard drives are that great considering they are just as reliable as internal hard drives which would be pointless as RAID1 should be reliable enough in that case.
Backing up to DVDs are quite unreliable too, a simple scratch could render the backup useless. Also it would require quite a lot of DVDs to backup my data (at least 500GB!).
The only other option I could think of is to use tapes, but this option can be quite pricy for a home user.
So I was wondering what you guys use for external backups for a home system containing at least 500GB worth of important data?