Or use Software Collections, the Python27 package from there has 2.7.13
I followed the instructions at the first link and I still only seem to have 2.7.5. How can I specify a newer version?
Hi, perhaps reading https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/ and https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/python27/ will help.
Have you done scl enable python27 bash in your current shell?
Thanks. Missed that. Now I do get 7.5.13 but it seems I have to type that command in each new shell. Can I make that the default python? I want django and uWSGI to use that version.
I believe doing something like
source scl_source enable python27
in .bashrc will do that. But the scl_source command is a fairly recent addition so hopefully you have it. See:
Try it from a command line first before committing it to your .bashrc
There are some things on the web about using django and uWSGI with software collections. For instance:
but I know nothing about any of the applications so I don't know how relevant this is.