On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 00:16 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
This should be instructive to you that it is not generally necessary to brute force things such as permissions. You should have faith that the developers are quite intelligent on these things and what holds us back (and I definitely include myself here), is the lack of understanding of how things work.
Well, I'm not really sure that description represents the situation. I didn't just make up the issue of permissions. In fact, I don't know nearly enough about Linux to even conceive of a solution like that. What I got was an error message, with the word "ERROR" in capital letters, and I looked it up on the net. I really can't see how that's an unreasonable course of action.
Following that, after I came across a suggestion that it was a permissions problem, I came here to this list to ask further, and I wasn't told right away "no, that's not a permissions issue, that's a different problem". I was told how to possibly modify permissions, and got kind of deep into it before someone finally said "hey, maybe it's not a permissions problem". So for a while I had a lot of support for the idea that it was a permissions problem.
In other words, faith doesn't enter into it. My understanding of Linux is only as good as the information I find in response to my queries.
I'm not sure how far I would get if I always assumed I was just doing things wrong every time I came across an error message. I've worked with computers long enough to know that an error is quite likely to actually be an error.
---- the thread was titled changing permissions
my first 2 answers to this question made it clear that this was udev stuff and not permissions - not console.perms - not at all related to the issues raised in the link you provided with talked about RH 8.0
The only support you got regarding permissions was because you directed everyone's attention to permissions and I can't help the fact that people trying to be helpful in answering your permissions questions misdirected you by not realizing that your questions about permissions didn't have anything to do with your problem. You framed the issue - I had to redirect your energy away from thinking that it was a permissions problem.
I think most people recognize that you spend a lot of effort trying to solve your issues and try to help out because of that.