On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 22:56 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 23:11, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On my Centos 3.4 boxes that were up to date a day or two ago, yum wants to update just about everything today. Is that normal?
Yes ... we shifted to 3.5 from 3.4 yesterday.
All the security updates of update 5 were done when released.
Thanks, but I thought that 3.5 was just the cumulative updates to 3.x rolled into a new iso. If that's the case, why would an up to date 3.4 download everything again?
It should not download everything again ... it should replace everything here
( https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/rhel3as-errata.html )
that was released between 2005-05-16 and 2005-05-19 and is a RHEA or a RHBA.
That is a significant number of packages.
RedHat released these as update 5, we incorporated them into CentOS 3.5. Any that were RHSA's were integrated ASAP on the day of release, as they are security fixes ... the RHEA and RHBA come as a group afterwards since they are enhancements and bugfixes.
Those should be the packages you see trying to be upgraded.