Hello everyone,
I had a CentOS 6.5 CD for a clean install, and I did a desktop install. Then I did a yum update to bring it up to 6.7. So far, so good.
I run a bunch of scientific programs that use C++ compilers and libraries. But, the programs were failing becaause in /usr/lib, the libraries simply weren't there. The directory was fairly sparsely populated with about 10 directories of libraries for specific programs. But otherwise, things that are in /usr/lib on a Centos 5 server, such as:
libkate.so.1.2.1 libkdb5.a libkdb5.so libkdb5.so.4
are indeed there. These are just 4 library examples. I assume I did something wrong in the installation to keep the lib*.so.* files from installing into /usr/lib. What do I need to do next time to keep that from happening? Anyone have any ideas?
******************************************************************************* Gilbert Sebenste ******** (My opinions only!) ****** *******************************************************************************