On 03/08/2013 09:03 PM, Stephen Harris wrote:
Looking at the nice new 6.4 tree (thanks!!!) I see there are already a few updates. eg Packages/firefox-17.0.3-1.el6.centos.i686.rpm Packages/firefox-17.0.3-1.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm So far, so normal. These occur because of timing. That's not a problem; it's expected.
What confuses me, though, is the drpms directory where there are 33 firefox drpm files compared to the 2 Packages, including firefox-3 versions! The drpms directory is around 3.3G whereas the Packages directory is only 680M.
Is the drpms directory carrying legacy files? Or is this to be expected?
The drpms (delta RPMS) are upgrades FROM some version TO another version. They are smaller in size than the actual files and they allow people to download on the difference between their version and the new version.
So, what you see is an upgrade from several previous versions to the new versions.