The second CentOS user interaction Dojo is taking place at Phoenix, AZ, USA on the 10th May 2013. And once again, we have a great line up of speakers covering a broad spectrum of technologies that people running CentOS usualy care about most. For details on the speakers, the topics and the venue : http://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Phoenix2013
The early bird ticket sales end on the 30th Apr, so if you can make it - be sure to register early ( You can register now at http://centosdojophoenix.eventbrite.co.uk/ )
The plan is to start at 9:00 with the sessions starting at 9:30, and a nice long lunch break in the middle, with evening BoF sessions and maybe even open spaces for people to interact and talk about the things they care about most : And I'll be fielding any questions that anyone had about and on CentOS, the project as well as CentOS Linux, the distribution.
Note: This is a not for profit event, all ticket sales revenue is cycled back into paying for attendee t-shirts, catering at the venue and costs for the event itself.
Looking forward to seeing some of the mailing list regulars on the day.
- KB