On 06/05/2014 06:01 PM, David Goldsmith wrote:
We still haven’t seen the CentOS 5 openssl-0.9.8* RPM updates show up on the CentOS mirrors today.
http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5.10/updates/x86_64/RPMS/ http://mirror.yellowfiber.net/centos/5.10/updates/x86_64/RPMS/ http://mirror.vcu.edu/pub/gnu+linux/centos/5.10/updates/x86_64/RPMS/
On Jun 5, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.org wrote:
The are on mirror.centos.org .. can take time to get to other places (we don't control their schedules). It does take us a bit of time with that specific package (openssl-0.9.8).