On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 13:20 -0400, Sam Drinkard wrote:
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Sam Drinkard wrote on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:55:09 -0400:
... with swappiness set to 0 is OK, but this morning when I looked at things, I see where during the night, swap usage went from 2.2 mb to 221 mb., and I assume due to the nightly cron jobs, i.e., slocate, updatedb, etc. The actual processes I'm concerned about run during the time period that the cron jobs run too, so maybe the machine did at some point, hit OOM state, but hard to say without being here to look.
So, back to the question ... is ps man page wrong or have I read something into the text that I am mis interpreting?
Regardless of that, it sounds like your situation indicates a need to run SAR. Turn on your system accounting collection and the reports will let you see exactly what's happening with memory, swap, HD, ... and when. I presume that these are as good or better than the old UNIX ones I remember.
Once you have the bullets, I'm not sure what you might shoot, but you ought to kill *something* just for the aggravation you've been caused! ;-)
<snip sig stuff>