2010/4/10 cahit Eyigünlü cahit.eyigunlu@gmail.com:
Unfotunately i have to solve this based on software i need to isolate each company to protect their info from others i have 3 companies and last one thing i need to see each company's traffic statics for long time periods. and i need to be able to limit their traffics that is all , but as i see on open vpn i could not group users.i have a cisco router which i could see the traffic of my servers external ip addresses so i decide to see them from there via giving each company one external ip to connect to internet . but i could not decide yet how to do it :) is there any body have an advice for me ? 2010/4/10 John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com
Solution is static routing tables and openvpn site-to-site tunnel.
-- Eero, RHCE