Sorin Srbu wrote on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 14:35:40 +0200:
> Googled some more. Realised /boot/grub/menu.lst *is* /etc/grub.conf... Duh!
You want to change /boot/grub/grub.conf, nothing else !
> Also some people say it's better to have Windows installed to the first
> harddrive and the first partition (so that C: is the where it should be on
> 1st hd/1st partition).
Doesn't matter.
> Would I be better off disconnecting the drive containing CentOS and
> reconnect it when I'm done installing Windows. Then boot with CentOS rescue
> and reinstall grub to the Windows-hd MBR?
Why? If you want to put them on separate *hardware* then you don't have to
reinstall anything. Just make sure that the CentOS drive is the first boot
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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