On Tuesday, July 05, 2011 06:19:58 PM Ned Slider wrote:
On 05/07/11 10:09, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Broadcom has license restrictions so even ElRepo guys wont create rpms, but there is howto, even for CentOS 5: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Laptops/Wireless/Broadcom
We (elrepo) certainly aren't prepared to create and redistribute binary "kmod-wl" RPMS given the Broadcom licensing restrictions.
For Fedora the RPMfusion 'nonfree' repo has kmod-wl and friends. An EPEL-based RPMfusion for EL is in testing, but kmod-wl and friends are not there yet.
Caveats abound for using rpmfusion-nonfree. Please see the rpmfusion.org site for more info.