On 3/26/06, Will McDonald wmcdonald@gmail.com wrote:
I have a bunch of duplicate packages I'm going to have to sort through manually and remove the older versions...
rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}.%{arch}\n" | sort | uniq -d apr.i386 audit.i386 .... xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL.i386 ypbind.i386 yum.noarch
Thanks everyone for the reply.
Yes, I did get lots of duplicate packages but I've already fixed that. Basically, what I did was to run Adam Stoke's script to remove duplcate packages. It can be located at http://astokes.org/?q=node/49
After the duplicate packages were removed, I then did a yum -y update again - ended up downloading ~160mb packages all over again but the update went cleanly this time.
Best Regards, Matt
-- Stand before it and there is no beginning. Follow it and there is no end. Stay with the ancient Tao, Move with the present.