On 08/16/2012 06:36 PM, Bill Campbell wrote:
I need to: + Create the VM instance allowing for about 50GB total disk space which will be either a single image partitioned into two Windows 'Drives' for the OS and applications/data, or two images.
The default location for the hard disk image file is under /var/lib path. This can be changed to point to a different location if you are planning many such large installation. An alternate method could be to define a file or a LVM and then tell virt-manager the location of this file/LVM volume.
Thanks for that info. It looks like everything is under /var/lib/libvrt.
I assume that I can replace /var/lib/libvirt/images with a symlink to another file system with adequate space.
Would it be safe to symlink the entire /var/lib/libvrt directory to another file system? I just tried 'lsof /var/lib/libvirt' on the system with no VMs and the libvrtd service running, and it doesn't show anything using it at idle.
Yes, as long as SeLinux is not enforced. But why not simply mount a dedicated partition here? The actual path is stored in de VM definition. So existing machines need to be changed (virsh edit <VM>). I think the default path is only used as e default location. I have moved the images of several machines to a NFS path to make live migration work. Do remember that /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save is used to save system state when rebooting. Still needs several GB of space for that.
+ Set up network bridging on the private LAN so that the Windows system is accessible via OpenVPN connections from the outside world and by users on the LAN to run a client/server accounting application.
I have done KVM VLANs but I am not sure if it can be done from the virt-manager. Experiment and see how far you can go.
I will be digging into this later today. So far I've found the file /var/lib/libvirt/network/default.xml and see a vibr0 interface defined.
The documentation I found yesterday described setting up briding, but hopefully virt-manager has a nicer way to do it.
This I find the most difficult part. I have done it a couple of time and made myself a HOWTO. You need to fill in some IP figures of course. I assume a fixed IP address, but DHCP should work as well. The setup creates a bridge and adds and existing interface (ifcfg-ethx) to that bridge. After that you can use the bridge for the VMs:
KVM === yum install kvm virt-manager qemu bridge-utils #create bridge for virt-machine cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 << _END_ DEVICE=br0 TYPE=Bridge IPADDR=192.168.48.X NETMASK= GATEWAY= BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes DELAY=0 NOZEROCONF=true NM_CONTROLLED=no _END_
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx : ONBOOT=yes BRIDGE=br0 NM_CONTROLLED=no
service network restart