On 6 November 2015 at 21:49, Pete Travis lists@petetravis.com wrote:
On Nov 6, 2015 3:31 PM, "Nick Bright" nick.bright@valnet.net wrote:
One of my biggest frustrations with CentOS 7 has been firewalld.
Essentially all of the documentation just flat doesn't work.
One common thing that needs to be done is to change the zone of an
interface, however I've tried:
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=internal --change-interface=ens192 firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=internal --add-interface=ens192
I've also tried setting in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192:
ZONE=internal ZONE="internal"
No matter what, when firewalld starts, ens192 will be in the public zone.
What am I doing wrong? Why does the documented command structure not work?
- Nick Bright -
Firewalld does physical interfaces, NetworkManager has profiles on top of them. NM can specify a zone and communicate it to firewalld - which should work from your ifcfg edit - but the reverse currently doesn't happen. Try with nmcli:
nmcli con modify ens19p0 connection.zone internal
...btw, the insertion of the 'p' was deliberate, I've seen more device names of that form. doublecheck your device name too.
I have a couple of relevant articles you may be interested in ...
On assigning the zone via NM: https://www.hogarthuk.com/?q=node/8
Look down to the "Specifying a particular firewall zone" bit ... remember that if you edit the files rather than using nmcli you must reload NM (or do nmcli reload) for that to take effect.
If you specify a zone in NM then this will override the firewalld configuration if the zone is specified there.
Here's some firewalld stuff: https://www.hogarthuk.com/?q=node/9
Don't forget that if you use --permanent on a command you need to do a reload for it to read the config from disk and apply it.