On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 11:24:42AM -0600, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
I'd probably back it up to disk. Pair of 200-300GB drives (in RAID-1). Very inexpensive.
The problem with that setup is that you can't get historical data. If that is not an issue, then I agree RAID-1 is enough.
Not true. You can do backup on disk exactly the same way you do them to tape. With tape, you calculate how big your backups are, and for how long you want to keep them. Then you go out and by that many tapes. With disk, you do the same thing and buy disk(s) of appropriate size. If you run out of tapes, you buy more tapes. If you run out of disk space for backup, you buy more disks. Same thing. Anyhow, cost of single SDLT tape is comparable to cost of disk drive of same capacity.
At least around here, a 120G DLT tape costs less than half the price of an HD of the same capacity.
Not to mention that tapes are much more reliable, since you can store them on appropriate containers/safes.
They also don't have mechanical parts built in, so the they are less likely to fail. Of course, I mean good tapes, not the el-cheapo ones.
HDs are not a reliable backup media, and never were.
Anyhow, I always hated people that are shifting responsibility they are paid to handle to somebody who is not supposed to have that responsibility in the first place.
This is enough to show me it would be a waste of time to show the flaws on your thinking. If you are looking at it emotionaly, it is useless to explain anything to you.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa rodrigob@suespammers.org "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)