On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 18:57, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
a) You should NOT, under any circumstances, be backing it up to your home systems. You should be backing it up to a work server - there are very serious legal implications involved here.
Thanks, but there are no customer data or other sensitive data on the server. I wouldn't dream of compromising customer data!
b) Since it's in a datacenter, presumably being hosted, you need to contact the datacenter provider and inform them that you believe it may be infected, and work with them to investigate - they may have an intrusion response team far more qualified than you to investigate whether there's been an intrusion. On the other hand, you've also got to worry about your company's proprietary data, and what they should see, and what they should not.
That is a good idea. There do exist professionals for this type of work, and that is the place to find them.
As I said, a *lot* of legal issues - don't put yourself into a position that could get you, personally, out of a job, sued, or even, as an extreme, jailed.
Thank you for the concern. I will be cautious and not reckless! My own security is not worth that server!