while the brand new apache 2.2.22 compiles fine on CentOS 6, it fails
on CentOS 5 unless you tell him to use its internal apr lib...I saw in the 2.2.22 release notes: "This release includes the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) version 1.4.5 and APR Utility Library (APR-util) version 1.4.2, bundled with the tar and zip distributions. The APR libraries libapr and libaprutil (and on Win32, libapriconv version 1.2.1) must all be updated to ensure binary compatibility and address many known security and platform bugs. APR-util version 1.4 represents a minor version upgrade from earlier httpd source distributions, which previously included version 1.3." On CentOS 6, we have apr 1.3.9 On CentOS 5, apr 1.2.7 Anyone knows if it will be backported to the packaged apr...?