Not at all. rhn access would be all that's required, and centos has such accounts. If not I'm certain that we could come up with a few such accounts for donation, and be right back to business as usual. GPL protection is a wonderful thing.
Providing the source (as required by GPL) could be in tar.gz format. This would be adequate for GPL compliance. Nothing in the GPL states that a company is required to hand out their SRPM's and the Spec file they used, or even tell you the build environment they used to accomplish this. Thus the source RPM and Spec file that make CentOS possible could be ripped out of RHEL's offerings to clients, causing harm to CentOS.
My brother noted in the user mail list I believe that Unbreakable from Oracle appeared to have CentOS/RHEL spec files as well (I think it was CentOS actually, not RHEL but whichever). The point being is that if Oracle is using SRPM's/Spec files from RHEL or CentOS to make this Enterprise operating system I see no requirement on RedHat's part to keep providing the SRPM/Spec's if they so choose to pull those. The RHN could get you source, but again, if provided in tar.gz with no spec file, how many hours of work do you think this could bring down CentOS, or require adequate funding for developers to compensate. It would be great to hear that the funding is already their in donations to keep going (Just In Case), although that seems unlikely.