Am 29.10.19 um 23:41 schrieb John H Nyhuis:
Thanks, I did catch the mistype (after IU posted). Still no match with the typo fixed... :-(
John H. Nyhuis Desk: (206)-685-8334 Box 359461, 15th floor, 106
On 10/29/2019 4:03 AM, Tony Mountifield wrote:
In article, John H Nyhuis wrote:
The mtx binary requires my tape library to be assigned a sg# driver, but the kernel periodically renumbers the sg devices. Normally, we would write a udev rule to manually assign a persistent name, but it looks like things have changed as I can't seem to get a match on CEntOS7. I'd appreciate any feedback or pointers to help me get my rule working. My two attempts are below.
cat /etc/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules
KERNEL=="sg[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi_generic", \ ENV{ID_SERIAL}=="1QUANTUM_D0H0112430_LLA", SYMLINK+="sg8"
SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi_genric", \ ATTRS{model}=="Scalar i40-i80 ", SYMLINK:="sg8"
You have a typo: scsi_genric instead of scsi_generic.
Don't know if that is the reason.
SYMLINK:="sg8" -> SYMLINK+="sg8"
-- Leon