Hi Cliff,
theer is just one path; I rechecked. The storage and server are attached currently direct with one twinaxial cable and just one ip on each side.
Multipathing was never configured.
I'm confused.
Currently I reattached the targets and reformatted the devices.
in dmesg I just see one sdb and one sdc.
sda is the internal disk and no more disk devices show up e.g. with fdisk -l.
Any more suggestions or thoughts?
Am 26.11.13 23:08, schrieb Cliff Pratt:
Looks like you have more than one path to the devices. I would expect to see *4* devices.
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator < goetz.reinicke@filmakademie.de> wrote:
I do have an iscsi storage with two raidsets. I'm logged in to the target and get two devices: /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc.
After formatting the devices with ext4 I realised, that I had used a wrong label, so I tried to relabel the devices.
But now I'm confused:
doing a e2label /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc returns always the same label name for both devices.
so I did "e2label /dev/sdb students" and "e2label /dev/sdc staff" and now mounting the devices shows the same filesystem under sdb and sdc!
Looks like sdc (an empty device) is gone...
Any suggestions or explanations?
Thanks and best regards . Götz