On Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:06:19 -0500 Chris Adams linux@cmadams.net wrote:
Now, if btrfs ever gets all the kinks worked out (and has a stable "fsck" for the corner cases), it integrates volume management into the filesystem, which makes some of the management easier. I used AdvFS on DEC/Compaq/HP Tru64 Unix, which had some of that, and it made some of this easier/faster/smoother. Btrfs may eventually obsolete a lot of uses of LVM, but that's down the road.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdvFS AdvFS uses a relatively advanced concept of a storage pool (called a file domain) and of logical file systems (called file sets). A file domain is composed of any number of block devices, which could be partitions, LVM or LSM devices.
I really miss this. BR, Bob