On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Always Learning centos@u61.u22.net wrote:
#!/bin/bash whois -h whois.arin.net n + $1
Any particular reason you used a bash script as opposed to an alias in your bash config?
My understanding of aliases is I can not include additional parameters
With bash / ksh / zsh aliases you can't rearrange the parameters, but you can always add them to the end. E.g. this:
alias .arin='whois -h whois.arin.net n +'
can be called as
and will expand the way you want. However, if you needed to have something come after, or to be mixed in with the whois options, you'd have to use a script or a shell function. I.e., if you wanted to pass the name of the whois server rather than hardcode it:
.arin() { whois -h $1 n + $2; }
That can't be done with an alias (except in csh).