On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:52 PM, Tim Dunphy bluethundr@jokefire.com wrote:
hello list,
I am attempting to load balance SSL web servers using haproxy on centos 5.7.
I am using HA-Proxy version 1.4.18
Here is the stanza in the config regarding SSL:
listen https mode tcp balance roundrobin option forwardfor except option redispatch maxconn 10000 reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https server web1 web1.summitnjhome.com:443 maxconn 5000 server web2 web2.summitnjhome.com:443 maxconn 5000
I can connect to https on each web server and have it serve content. the IP is a virtual IP created with keepalived and floating between two load balancers.
I can connect to the virtual ip via openssl s_connect and GET / where i see the source code for the home page
For now it's just a demo page with more complex content living deeper in the directory structure.
A port scan with nmap shows that port 443 is open...
And the port 443 is being listened to..
But a page will not render in a web page.
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at virtual.example.com.
And there is no activity in the haproxy debug logs when I hit the web page at this address which should map to that ip.
[root@VIRTCENT01:~] #host virtual.example.com virtual.example.com has address
Thanks in advance! tim
You cannot use haproxy with SSL. You need to terminate the SSL connection before reaching haproxy, such as (already mentioned) using apache as a front end proxy. Then on the backend you need to connect to the node servers using http, not SSL (using SSL there is a waste of resources anyway).
HAproxy needs to be able to see the http traffic, and especially since you are using 'reqaddd' to add something into the stream. You can't do any of that using tcp mode, nor can you get any kind of session stickyness with tcp load balancing.
Tcp mode is only meant for things that keep a persistent connection, not http that uses multiple non-persistent connections.
-☙ Brian Mathis ❧-