Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Tim Dunphy wrote:
I have a small shell script that I wrote that is meant to quickly bring down all of my xen instances in a quick and easy manner. Odd thing is, it does work on the command line. But if I put it into a script this happens:
[root@LCENT03:/home/bluethundr/bin] #virtdown
it expects another command to happen. which is odd since all of the text delimiters (" and ') are balanced according to vim. I was wondering if I could have an opinion on why this might be happening. Here's the script:
for i in $(virsh list | grep -v -e Id -e --- -e Domain-0 | awk '{print $1}'); do /usr/bin/virsh shutdown $i done
Last thing I saw is "#/bin/bash" instead of "#!/bin/bash". Fix and try.
<snip> or (I'm guessing here, since I don't know what virsh list looks like) awk '{if ( $0 !~ /Id/ && $0 ~ /Domain-0/ ) { cmd = "/usr/bin/virsh shutdown " $1; system(cmd);}}' `virsh list`
mark "awk are us"