On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 10:40 -0400, Alfred von Campe wrote:
Here is some information I have used as background.
However, when I set that to 60 (instead of the monitor's 56.0
- 85.0 range), the problem didn't go away. I probably also have to
adjust the HorizSync entry, but I don't know to what exactly.
Using that HOWTO, I've been sporadically working on a script to generate the params, but haven't quite finished it. So I'm no further help ATM. If/when I get back to it and get something workable, I'll post. By playing with the params mentioned in that doc in the fixed frequency portion, I have managed to set various ranges, image move left/right, gets chopped, etc. I'll power up that machine and take a look and see if anything that looks like it might b e useful jumps out at me.
But I really think the postings on LFS or by Brian will be most useful, or postings somewhere else on the WEB.
<snip sig stuff>