How you could do this with scripts:
*CentOS 7*
1. Deploy a VM from your base CentOS 7 template 2. Copy your "" script (or whatever its called) to a location such as /root/scripts/ 1. This scripts only job should be to mount a NFS location and execute any post install scripts you have stored there, and provide a log file. 2. This script should disable the "my-firstboot.service" at the end and then change permissions of itself to no execute to ensure it doesn't get run more than once. 3. It is also useful to have this script email the system admins when its done and reboot the VM (in the case of full system updates that require a reboot to new kernel) 3. Create your "my-firstboot.service" unit file at: /etc/systemd/ system/my-firstboot.service, enable it. example contents: 1. [Unit] Description=Auto-execute my post install scripts
[Service] ExecStart=/root/scripts/
*CentOS 6*
1. Same thing as above, except no service unit file. Instead simply create a line in /etc/rc.local to execute the "" script like so: 1.
echo "/root/scripts/" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
2. And have the "" script remove that same line above from rc.local at the end of its execution so its not run again on the next reboot.
On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Oscar Osta Pueyo wrote:
Hello, I think you can use anaconda for this task, you can configure some actions after the installation.
Best regards,
El dt, 8 nov 2016 a les 18:44 Leon Fauster va escriure:
Am 08.11.2016 um 16:47 schrieb
On 2016-11-07 14:35, Bernard Fay wrote:
We have a virtual environment based on XenServer. In this environment
defined a template for CentOS 7 servers.
I would like to start a script a boot time to complete the
configuration of
new VMs based on this template. How can I have a script started before
login prompt to ask question to the user to complete the configuration
as hostname, IP address, etc?
Hi Bernard,
My first impulse was "don't!", and that's probably the best advise. A popular model is that the "firstboot" package takes care of this at the first user login, and *nix systems sort of depend on this "logged in users do stuff" model.
Even better, use ansible, cfengine, chef, or puppet to automate the task of setting things up. This is the _best_ solution and you will eventually come back to it.
But, the darker, cynical part of my brain, the part that says "what, you're cutting down on coffee?" part, said "sure you can". Here's how it _could_ be done.
Replace /sbin/init with a shell script that does what you want. It will be the first userland process started, have the console for I/O, and run as root. At completion, restore the original /sbin/init and reboot. Leave no traces behind. Do not document your awful hack, others will use your words against you.
:-) ... kernel parameter init=/root/yourscript
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