I'm using rsync with a cronjob everynight at 11 pm to do the following:

  1. sync relevant directories to a running phsycial machine (same specs more or lesS)
  2. Sync relevant directories to a running Virtual Machine(vmware) 
On down time i'll run either one of those machines till problem is fixed. 

wouldn't that be enough?

> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 03:01:56 -0800
> From: jdmls@yahoo.com
> To: centos@centos.org
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Centos installation Vs Disk partitioning
> From: Roland RoLaNd <r_o_l_a_n_d@hotmail.com>
> > 1. Drive A (320 GB): OS
> > 2. Drive B (1 TB): Mysql + /home
> > 3. Drive C (1 TB): /development + /opt
> Does that mean no RAID and downtime to recover from backups is acceptable...?
> JD
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