Scott Silva wrote:
John Summerfield spake the following on 3/27/2007 5:28 PM:
Which would annoy you more?
- Update sans announcement
- Announcement sans update.
There will always be a timing issue, and I'd go with releasing the update, allowing mirrors to sync and then the announcement.
As long as the sysop doesn't depend on announcements to do updates, it shouldn't matter. You can always cron yum check-update, and read the cron mail.
As far as I can tell, RH does not announce all updates to RHEL4.
btw I just discovered my FC6 test system busily trying to update itself, without my consent.
My consent would certainly be withheld, there's no way I can track FC updates through a modem, especially with all the stuff I do want.
FC6 may well find itself replaced with Debian.