yeah, I actually had bookmarked your Howto when it came out on the list, it was perfect timing since last week we had given the go-ahead to do the full change-over to 64-bit centos, migrating away from Whitebox 32-bit. our nagios setup was one of the keys, and the existence of the howto assured we'd be OK.
still incorporating alot of the tips in it to future endeavours...
-karlski wrote:
I'm running an Opteron 64 bit server, and in an effort to re-join it to my nagios monitoring, I have tried the install nagios via Yum.
When I type:
yum install nagios, or nagios-nrpe, or nagios-plugins, I get:
"Nothing to do". as output.
In wanting to add the DAG repository to my machine, the documentation i've come across seems vague.
Can someone advise me on either of these issues?
I have come across the following HOWTO, but it kind of jumps around a bit, and the if/else logic is too hard to decipher.
Any help is most appreciated...
I apologize for my how-to not being very detailed about setting up Dag's repo, but it was intentionally geared toward Nagios, not Dag. I simply create a dag.repo file which looks like:
[dag] name=Dag RPM Repository For Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag/$releasever/en/$basearch/dag/$releasever/en/$basearch...$releasever/en/$basearch/dag enabled=0 gpgcheck=1
I don't believe this is the preferred way to load Dag's packages, however, thus the reason I mention to refer to the documentation for Dag in the how-to.
I believe Dag's how-to for setting up access to his repo is to use apt-get. So you install things this way, then substitute the "apt-get" command for yum.
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