tech wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
What I get is unknown (with our current version). When unknown, it passes a list of high bandwidth machines.
I will get and build a newer version of the GeoIP database and see if I can get a better result.
I reported a problem like this much earlier.
I am in Hong Kong. Mirror selects .TW sites for me. BUT, although .TW is close the actual data transfer between there and here is very slow. I learned almost 20 years ago not to do transfers from there.
I excluded all .TW sites in the .CONF file. This wasn't working so good. I noticed that almost all of the sites listed were .EDU.TW so I changed my exclusion to just the .EDU.TW sites. I now live with this exclusion.
OK, the original problem is fixed in that we now have a better database.
WRT what is considered fast for a given country, I will publish what we currently use, and have the community tell us if it is working or not. I will do this on another thread.
One thing to consider is countries where we actually have mirrors as well. It will all be in the new thread.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes