From: Steve Campbell Sent: March 27, 2007 10:31
Getting in late on this one, but if I didn't need to spend money, couldn't spend money, or what ever the reason may be, and the aliasing was something that needed changing on a schedule, then why not just set up multiple alias files, run cron to replace them when needed, and "newaliases", all in cron scripts? You would need to maintain as many versions as required, but sounds like it might work with minimal effort and expense.
Complex is a relative term, and this may be oversimplifying, but it would work.
Hi Steve:
It would and does work. That is the method that we are currently using. It works fine when we are talking about only 3 variations on the alias. Currently I have files for weekday, weekend day and evening and run a crontab script at 0800 and 1600 daily. The problem I now have is that as we add staff with flexible work schedules that simple scheme starts to get very complicated very quickly.
What I was hoping for was something that could assist me with the administration of this task but it does not look like there is anything like what I a looking for.
In the long run we are looking at probably implementing a ticketing system but I just do not have the time to do the evaluation, selling and implementation at this point.
Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated.
Regards, Hugh