Nathan Duehr wrote:
On Jul 1, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
We get along fine with our VAR, and they've changed how they order those machines now... but HP's silly hardware licensing games are HP's self-created problem, which trickles down to the VARs. That can't be blamed on the VAR. They have hundreds of other vendor's products to keep up with, too. These are the types of cheap servers that the admin has always just TURNED ON THE SERVER AND USED IT. It's a pizza box. It isn't a mid-range HP-UX machine. It definitely isn't a Sun box.
<snip> Please! Sun *ain't* Sun no more, it's Oracle/Sun, and *their* alleged "tech support"... let's just say that I refer to dealing with it as self-abuse, and we *don't* buy them any more.
They give cheap, short-life licenses, too, and that's on Sunfire 4600's.