For EL2.1, the RH srpm has the snmp module commented out. I just uncommented it and rebuilt it. I have not looked at EL3 but it is possible they have done the same.
For OCI8 I had to build it on my oracle server but once built you can run it against the Oracle Instant Client RPM (with a few extra symlinks to fix library versions).
Dag Wieers wrote:
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004, John Newbigin wrote:
I have build php-snmp & php-oci8 for CentOS-2 but I assume you are referring to CentOS-3.1
The CentOS-2 version is available under centos-2/extras/i386/ on the centos mirror.
If you can send me the SPEC files, I can look into providing these for el2.1 and el3 (i386, x86_64)
Kind regards, -- dag wieers,, -- [Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]