I found mine: jme.ko .
Now I have to download it and install it offline.
thank you guys
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 5:39 AM, Robert Heller <heller@deepsoft.com> wrote:You can find if ELRepo has the driver for you by going to FAQ #4 at:
> RedHat (and thus CentOS) backports esentual drivers and patches. Even
> though the kernel version is 2.6.18 (CentOS/RHEL 5), it contains bits
> and pieces from newer kernels. There is also the elrepo repository,
> which contains a pile of additional kernel modules (drivers mostly) that
> RedHat does not build. Check the elrepo elrepo repository -- your
> driver might be there.
Run the command (one line):
for BUSID in $(/sbin/lspci | awk '{ IGNORECASE=1 } /net/ { print $1
}'); do /sbin/lspci -s $BUSID -m; /sbin/lspci -s $BUSID -n; done
to get the the Vendor:Device ID parings. Then look through:
To see if yours is there.
Hope this helps.
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