On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 04:47:32PM -0500, Sam Drinkard enlightened us:
Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 04:39:23PM -0500, Sam Drinkard enlightened us:
I figured something was up, as after installing and creating the symbolic link, when I tried to access a page that requires the javascript, the browser vanishes entirely.. not even a momentary pause or error message.. just quits like you'd hit the X button!
Any other way to get java support into firefox short of building the thing which I really don't want to do ?
AFAIK there is no 64-bit plugin. The current recommended solution is to remove the 64-bit version of firefox, and install the 32-bit version. You'll have to do it by hand, because the 32-bit version isn't included in the x86_64 repository.
Matt, that is the same conclusion I came to several months back after going thru all the motions of installing the jre-1.5xx, but at that time I believe I found something that said there was not 64-bit support. I thought after reading a page on the Sun java website, it was now available. Guess that was for mozilla and not firefox.
There is a 64-bit JRE/JDK, there's just not a 64-bit browser plugin (that I am aware of, anyway).