On 13.4.2012 23:39, Bob Hoffman wrote:
I was trying to stay with the base centos repo and only grab a few programs off of other repos (like phpymyadmin).
Unfortunately, I think it is better, now that I have played with them, to skip the repos and go straight to the source for some thing. phpmyadmin rpm from the source company works 'correctly' over the epel
epel has phpMyAdmin3-3.4.9-1.el5 and there is phpMyAdmin3-3.5.0-1.el5 in testing. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5554/phpMyAdmin3-3....
rpm, especially the log in feature...and has 4 less programs needed to run.
I don't understand what you talking about.