On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Scott Silva ssilva@sgvwater.com wrote:
on 5-22-2009 7:22 AM Lanny Marcus spake the following:
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM, MHR mhullrich-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org wrote:
I'm looking for any intelligent commentary on this - it may be a little off topic, but I'm wondering if anyone knows about this. �This isn't short, so bear with me.
Yesterday, I tried to download a video off of one of my digital still cameras that also takes videos (Canon Powershot SX10 iS) on my CentOS x86_64 5.3 system. �When I plugged the camera into a USB port and turned it on, it showed no images available, AND no device showed up
Renaming a file does not change its makeup. Just because you rename a .vob file to .jpg, doesn't make it a jpeg. It just makes it a mis-named vob file.
I know that, but when we changed the extensions from .vob to .jpg we were able to upload the videos to youtube and they worked fine. :-)
That doesn't help Mark, since he can't see the video files on his digital still camera. If the camera settings permit, maybe he can change the video file type, in the camera, to .avi or something that will be seen by Linux. I think he said his camera saves video files in .mov Ours saves them in .avi