On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:38 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina.rakotomandimby@rktmb.org wrote:
If you have 1.000 or 10.000 machines it*is* a reason to think about every fucking dollar per machine you can save each month.
You could *just* *install* with 1GB and then get down to 512 at runtime.
First, if you are running 10,000 machines with 512K RAM, you are doing something really, really weird or you just like managing a lot of machines that can't do very much each - and supplying a lot more power than you would need for fewer, more capable hosts.
But, if you have even more than a few, you are probably already doing some sort of image installs. So just install on a machine or VM with 1GB, then use ReaR or Clonezilla to back it up and restore onto the target boxes. Or for brute force, use dd to copy the drive and swap them into place.