You can adjust is behaviour in /etc/selinux/config
I use this: SELINUX=disabled
Sean Roe wrote:
I think you are right about the selinux, I will test it later tonight because I have to go to co-lo cause I locked it up. To fix this do I need reload the OS? I know I enabled selinux during the install. Nope I never worked at etrade, used to have an etrade account though :)
Rick Philbrick wrote:
Here's a stab in the dark are you running with selinux enabled ? the commands getenforce and selinuxenabled should tell you if you are.
BTW- Did you work at etrade ? I knew a sean roe there but I am not sure if he spelled it rowe. Sorry had to ask.
On 3/20/06, Sean Roe <> wrote:
Hi All,
I am a new Centos user (old Red Hat and Debian user) and I'm having a very strange problem. I just installed Centos V4 and it appears to be running fine except for a weird issue. If I am on the systems console, I can write all kinds of files anywhere I choose. But if I am ssh'd in to the box it appears I can not write any files on the file systems. Since this box is across town, it makes it difficult to go to the console to make changes. Any guidance would be great.
Thanks, Sean
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