ken wrote, On 11/14/2009 07:37 PM:
It's half a nice Saturday later and many attempts have brought no satisfaction. Maybe this can't be done.
I'm trying to write a function which, when called from one function execute in another. In itself, that's not the problem. Rather, there's one built-in variable which is evaluated in the function definition and it's value is then set (too early).
I want the function Line to show the line number in the second file where it's executed, not the line number from the sourced function.
Any mavens got the skinny on this?
As I understand the variable is interpreted from the perspective of the line of the file, and bash does not inline the function.
A trick around it can be gotten with the following modification of your scripts. ---func-file---------------------- Line() { echo This is line "$MyLN" $@ } #extra #lines #desired #to #show #that #execution #not #early, orig #simply #placed #early #in #file LineO() { echo This is line "$LINENO" $@ } -------------------------
----main--------------------- #!/bin/bash
. ./func-file
MyLN=$LINENO Line ... it should be $LINENO LineO ... it should be $LINENO -------------------------