Being pretty new to CentOS and such, can someone answer a couple of questions about yum and up2date? I think I got the basic info, but I'm a bit confused about what does what.
I configured yum to use the dag repo (I think) but now and then, I get the red circle from up2date stuff on the upper menubar. I have been using the up2date function to grab the latest bits when indicated something is available. I don't have yum running nightly as a cron job either. Now, what is the difference in using the up2date vs. yum? Should I be using yum exclusively to do updates, and if so, how does it know there are updates available? Are the files coming from the RH update site the same as would be avaliable via yum?
Sorry if this is a newbie question, but while the machine is down waiting on the new mobo, I figured I could do a little brushing up on things I don't fully understand.