On 12/17/2015 07:02 AM, ken wrote:
What I described was plenty enough for anyone who's been through the netinstall configuration before. There's no point in explanation a simple gui for those who don't what I'm talking about.
It might look that way to you, as a new user, but all along the way you're making choices that you take for granted, but can affect the outcome of the process. In order for us to help you troubleshoot a technical problem, you need to describe very specifically the steps you took before you saw the problem.
It's easy enough to *say* that "it's pretty fool-proof" but you were describing a series of attempts using input that definitely wouldn't have worked. You were mixing /7/ in the download URL, which is a symlink to /7.2.1511/, with /7.1.1503/. IIRC, you can't mix those. Installation media has to match the installation tree. You were also trying URLs that weren't even install trees, but ISO directories.
Anyway, I hope this thread convinces some people that minimal and netinstall should not be recommended to new users.