On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:39 PM, Alan Hodgson wrote:
On January 11, 2011 03:16:23 pm aurfalien@gmail.com wrote:
mkpart 0 3T it works and the partition is 3TB.
This is a hardware based Areca RAID. I didn't feel the need to load any Areca drivers as Centos supports this out the box.
Any ideas?
Maybe it can only make 16TB partitions? dunno, never had a drive quite that big. I know it works up to 10TB.
How are you planning to backup a 30TB filesystem, btw?
I rsync it to a few large arrays.
The production array will consist of a few dirs which will be individual NFS exports.
These dirs are, by them selves already small enough to backup to other
10TB arrays.
- aurf