----- "Dan Carl" danc@bluestarshows.com escreveu:
The array that I'm tyring to recover is a SCSI-toSATA 2U external Raid device. It connects to any u320 controller and is suppose to show up to Linux as 1 SCSI drive. Quote from the manual: "These host interfaces are host O/S independent and will operate on any system that has a working SCSI or Fiber interface The DAS is made up of several components including a RAID controller, backplane board with intelligent environmental monitoring, chassis, power supplies, fans, front control panel with LCD display and hard drive bays."
The Smart Array card that it was originally connected to doesn't recongize it. The SmartArray is in a working server and is currently running an internal Raid 5.
My guess is there was some hardware failure on the external side of the controller or the external array. My reasoning for this, is if I connect the A Channel of the external array to my Centos server my SCSI card doesn't recognize it. But if I connect it to the B channel side it does
from this I'm thinking you didn't need another SmartArray, but it looks like the A channel from your DAS is the problem... Try look on the DAS manual for the configuration options (how the RAID drive are made) and try to search a way to migrate the RAID from channel A to B. Look for a way to acquire as much info on the DAS configuration you can before trying it. I already had changed RAID disks from one controler to another (SmartArrays by the way), and the RAID disks are found without problem. But, if it didn't work and the DAS "rebuild" it's RAID the data on the disks are gone :(
another way is trying to contact the DAS maker and their tech assistant.