I had to install the 1.4.2 SDK from Jpackage a while back for some friend's servers and vaguely documented it as I went. Here's the relevant bits with the profanities removed :) We'd already rsynced down the Jpackage repo so where I reference file:// for the baseurl you'll want to use http/ftp.
PREPARING THE BUILD ENVIRONMENT Using Jpackage allows us to manage the installation of Java packages on RPM systems in a consistent fashion. Some packages will still require downloading of their sources due to licensing restictions but this source is used, in conjunction with Jpackage supplied SPEC files to build RPMs.
First we need to create a build environment as a normal, non-root user. In this user's home area create the build tree as follows...
rpm |-- BUILD |-- RPMS | |-- i386 | |-- i586 | `-- noarch |-- SOURCES |-- SPECS |-- SRPMS `-- tmp
This command will create the build tree shown above...
$ mkdir -p rpm/{BUILD,RPMS/{i386,i586,noarch},SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS,tmp}
Create an ~/.rpmmacros file, this will allow you to install SRPMs locally without b0rking the rest of the system, and add the following to it, changing the %packager details to your own...
%_topdir %(echo ${HOME}/rpm) %_tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp %packager Firstname Lastname < your.address@here>
As the repository files have already been rsync-ed down from the mirrors onto yumserv1/dev-rhe-a1 now we can setup Setup a Yum repository definition for the Jpackage repository. In /etc/yum.repos.d/ create a jpackge.repo and add the following...
# Be sure to enable the distro specific repository for your distro below: # - jpackage-fc for Fedora Core # - jpackage-rhel for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives
[jpackage-generic] name=JPackage (free), generic baseurl=ftp://yumserv1/jpackage/1.6/generic/free gpgcheck=0 gpgkey= http://www.jpackage.org/jpackage.asc enabled=1
[jpackage-rhel] name=JPackage (free) for Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever baseurl=ftp://yumserv1/jpackage/1.6/redhat-el-4.0/free/ gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=http://www.jpackage.org/jpackage.asc enabled=1
[jpackage-generic-nonfree] name=JPackage (non-free), generic baseurl= ftp://yumserv1/jpackage/1.6/generic/non-free/ gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=http://www.jpackage.org/jpackage.asc enabled=1
The firewalls on both yumserv1/dev-rhe-a1 and on webserv1 have been modified to allow limited FTP for the purposes of Yum updates.
As root install the rpm-build and the Jpackage utils packages...
# yum -y install rpm-build # yum -y install jpackage-utils
Grab java-1.4.2-sun- from your Yum repository and install it as your non-root user...
$ cd ~/rpm/SRPMS $ wget ftp://yumserv1/jpackage/1.6/generic/non-free/SRPMS/java-1.4.2-sun- $ rpm -ivh ~/rpm/SRPMS/java-1.4.2-sun-
Get the Java 1.4.2 SDK from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/, specifically...
This has to be done via a browser because of Sun's click-through annoyance licensing. Download Linux Platform - Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.2_10 self-extracting file j2sdk-1_4_2_10-linux-i586.bin .
Copy this file into ~/rpm/SOURCES and then rpmbuild the RPM from the SPEC file which was installed when we installed java-1.4.2-sun- rpmbuild -ba ~/rpm/SPECS/java-1.4.2-sun.spec
This will compile RPMs from the Java SDK and place them in ~/rpm/RPMS/i586. From these RPMs we want to install java-1.4.2-sun, java-1.4.2-sun-devel and an OS dependancy xorg-x11-deprecated-libs. As root carry out the following replacing $BUILDUSER with the non-root username we've been using for the builds...
# yum -y install ~$BUILDUSER/rpm/RPMS/java-1.4.2-sun- ~$BUILDUSER/rpm/RPMS/java-1.4.2-sun-devel-
Yum will take care of the xorg-x11 dependecy for you.