Robert Hanson wrote:
i have a newer centos 4.2 server using qmail for smtp
the /etc/yum.conf has this in it
exclude=spamassassin exim postfix sendmail
so when i do a yum update to go to 4.3 i get this
--> Running transaction check --> Processing Dependency: smtpdaemon for package: mdadm --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Missing Dependency: smtpdaemon is needed by package mdadm
how should i procede from here?
evidentally mdadm wants a known smtp function as i do not get this error until i stuff exim and postfix and sendmail in the exclude
should i undo exim in /etc/yum.conf exclude and then after exim is installed then remove it?
rpm -e --nodeps exim
or another way?
yum remove exim
thanks in advance...
mdadm needs a smtp service in order to send out notifications, properly setup from rpm mta's will provide: smtpdaemon
you should be able to install mdadm with a rpm -ivh --nodeps, then hope for the best. the better solution would be to have the qmail rpm's provide: smtpdaemon