Collins Richey wrote on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 11:12:51 -0600:
What I would recommend to assist those who love the CentOS stable base but want more than CentOS can (legally or otherwise) provide is to follow the documentation approach taken by Ubuntu.
Why shouldn't this target audience not just install Ubuntu?
And, frankly, if I go thru that list at ubuntuguide, most of the questions/answers are already answered in the CentOS FAQs ("How do I add repos?"), are application specific ("How do I ssh into a server"), are generic questions (like "How do I add xyz to Gnome") that are answered in other external FAQs or so simple that they don't deserve an FAQ.
Nevertheless, putting up a wiki is a good proposal even if only one person would add to it ;-) Anyone who wishes, can then share his experience with "How I installed xyz on CentOS" and save others some time.